ICARIA 2K24 ICFAI Radio Events Schedule


Date: 22nd Feb - 23rd Feb 2024

Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm & 02:00 - 04:00pm

Venue: In front of the Academic Block

Rules and Regulations

  1. Games can be played in sets (29) (sets of 3 or 5) or as single board.
  2. Strike to be chosen by coin toss.
  3. Red is of 5 points and there’s no red points after 23 points.
  4. Jump coins will be placed on the centre of the board.
  5. 5.Penalty Rules:-
    a)Unwanted touching of coins by hand or along with the striker results in a penalty of 1 coin.
    b)Pocketing of stricker, if only striker then 1 coin penalty and strike over but if 1 coin + striker then two coin penalty + strike remains.
    c)If a single coin remains of both teams then one can’t touch the other's coin directly, if so 1 coin penalty will be applied.
    d)There is no NIL. The one who does the NIL will lose the match and the opponent will gain all the points/ coins remaining on the board (if red is on the board, it will also be counted).
    e)There is no rule as the 1st fine is no-fine. The first pocketed coin will be penalised.
    f)If there are no coins on the board and the player pockets the striker by mistake then a penalty coin will be held due.

*The judge shall be the last person to take the final decision, in case of any exception occurring during the game.


Date: 22nd Feb - 23rd Feb 2024

Time: 02:00 - 04:00pm

Venue: In front of the Academic Block

Rules and Regulations

  1. The way you divide up the board ultimately depends on the number of people playing:
    a)2 players:Use 1 pair of opposing triangles.
    b)3 players:Use every other triangle on the board.
    c)4 players:Use 2 pairs of opposing triangles.
    6 players:Use all 6 triangles.
  2. Rotate game-play clockwise, starting with the youngest player.
  3. Take your turn by moving 1 peg to an adjacent space.
  4. Hop over a nearby peg if it’s blocking your path.
  5. Just make sure that you’re jumping in a straight line (rather than hopping at an angle), and that you’re only jumping over a single peg.
  6. Multiple hops are allowed in a single turn, as long as both of these requirements are met.
  7. It’s against the rules to jump over a “block” of 2 pegs.
  8. You can't move your pegs back into play once they’ve entered the final triangle.
  9. Special Exception: Does your opponent refuse to move one of their starting pegs while you have 9 out of your 10 pegs in their final spots? No worries. According to modern Chinese Checker rules, simply swap your final piece with the adjacent obstructing piece to win the game. This is an optional rule, though, and needs to be decided on before the game starts.

*The judge shall be the last person to take the final decision, in case of any exception occurring during the game.


Date: 22nd Feb - 23rd Feb 2024

Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm & 02:00 - 04:00pm

Venue: In front of the Academic Block

Rules and Regulations

  1. Play a game of Ludo with 2, 3 or 4 players of any age.
  2. Each player rolls a die; the highest roller begins the game.
  3. Players alternate turns in a clockwise direction. To enter a token into play from its yard to its starting square, a player must roll a six.
  4. Players can draw a token from home every time they get a six unless home is empty or move a piece six times.
  5. The start box has two own tokens (is doubled). If the player has no tokens yet in play and rolls other than a six, the turn passes to the next player.
  6. Players must always move a token according to the die value rolled.
  7. Once players have one or more tokens in play, they select a token and move it forwards along the track the number of squares indicated by the die.
  8. If a token advances onto a spot occupied by opponent's token then the opposing token is returned back to its respective home point. This forces the opponent to roll another 6 to take it out of their home and move it again. If a token advances onto a spot occupied by a token of the same colour, then they create something that is called a "block". If an opposing token lands on the same spot as the block, the advancing token is returned back to its respective home point.
  9. If the player cannot draw a token from home, rolling a six earns the player an additional or "bonus" roll in that turn.
  10. If the bonus roll results in a six again, the player earns again an additional bonus roll. If the third roll is also a six, the player may not move and the turn immediately passes to the next player.
  11. A player's home column squares are always safe, since no opponent may enter them. In the home column, a player cannot jump over; after one rotation is completed, the player must enter the home and roll the exact number needed to get each token onto the home triangle.
  12. Star will consider as safe zone

*The judge shall be the last person to take the final decision, in case of any exception occurring during the game.


Date: 22nd Feb - 23rd Feb 2024

Rules and Regulations

Arm wrestling competition for both boys and girls will be conducted on 22nd and 23rd February 2024. Timing will be notified by the Radio members.
-Groups will be divided based upon weight category.
- Weigh-ins will be done on 22nd Feb. Reporting time will be 08:30am.
Following are the weight categories for the said event-
Male Weight Categories:-
Below 55kg
55kg - 65kg
65kg - 75kg
75kg above
Female Weight Categories:-
Below 55kg
55kg - 65kg
65kg above

  1. The referee’s decision cannot be challenged.
  2. Competitors must begin a round with their shoulders squared with each other.
  3. The non-wrestling hand must remain on the hand grip peg for the entirety of the match.
  4. A competitor’s shoulder cannot cross the center line of the table during a round.
  5. Intentionally escaping the opponent’s grip to restart a round is a foul.
  6. Competitors must begin a round with at least one foot on the ground (this does not apply for the remainder of the match).
  7. Both competitors must keep their elbow in contact with the elbow pad for the entire round.
  8. Applied force must be entirely sideways; force applied toward one’s own body can illegally pull the opponent towards the table.
  9. False starts result in a warning; two false starts result in a foul.
  10. Participants will play at their own risk; university will not be responsible for any kind of injury.

*The referee shall be the last person to take the final decision, in case of any exception occurring during the game.

Contact no: - Dibakar Choudhury (+916009163939)